OGAP Website

Website for the student organization: Organization for Graduate Student Advancement and Professional Development(OGAP) serving the University of Florida's Graduate School. Hosted on University of Florida's graduate school domain and was developed using Terminal Four as its content management system. This is still a work in progress.

Color Guess

This game was created as a project in the Web Developer Bootcamp Course by Colt Steele on Udemy. It uses HTML5, CSS3 and Vanilla JavaScript. This helped in great understanding of the color palette and especially of JavaScript code logic, refactoring and DOM Manipulation.

Patatap Clone

This game was created as a project in the Web Developer Bootcamp Course by Colt Steele on Udemy. It uses jQuery, Paperjs and Howlerjs to make shapes and sounds respectively. It is unsupported on touchscreens as it uses the key presses to create the shapes and sounds. It is a functional clone of the famous app - Patatap

David Chu's China Bistro

Project in the HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University on Coursera and uses HTML 5, CSS 3 and jQuery. This responsive website is for a Chinese restaurant displaying its menu, address, phone and so on. (To be completed)

Personal Website

This website was created to serve as an online portfolio and is a project in itself. It contains 4 pages namely home, resume, projects and about. It uses Bootstrap extensively for its layout and components. It uses jQuery as well especially on the about page.